penny-sizedhey hey, no worries on reading or whatever...i'm supposed to be working on my car right now. And if not working on my car then weeding... : p
I keep having 19 claps pop up on random articles but it's hard to keep track of the more granular shifts as stuff gets lost between the cracks with the live monitoring.. As a loose estimate aprox. 9 people. Not many but about on average for my tiny-house sized account.
It's also about average or above average for my daily count, too, so it's more than enough to help shift the results in ways that are (hopefully) revealing of some deeper truths and help me to gather some more info...what it all means though has yet to be completely determined.
(Of course, it also may shift me more into the negative with the algorithm, as mentioned above, but i've yet to see a difference since my penny sized earnings are not yet getting split diagonally..)
I appreciate you being supportive with all your clicks! While I have not yet finished the Secrets of Stats article, it's up to about 1500 words (gasp!) and requires some finesse with the formatting and screenshots so that everything makes sense. Truth be told there are only so many different ways I can creatively say "clicks per clicks" ratio, or whatever, so at some point I'll have to pull the trigger and send it out into the ether even if it never feels perfect.
I've always got a couple projects on the burners at the same time so in the meantime if you'd like to read one of my more nerdtastic stories I published this on Sunday: